
Eigene Produkte und Projekte von Dollstudio: Körperabformungen, Miniaturen, lebensgroße Doll.

The DollWorks Adapter System continues to grow. Already supported are brands like Doll Sweet, Orient Industry, Sanhui, JM Doll, WM Doll and WM Dolls, YL Doll, Oriental Rose, Hitdoll, Lifedoll, Silicone Art and Z-Onedoll - now support for Maid-Fong by Maidlee Doll was added.

DollWorks Adapter System

The DollWorks Adapter System enables you to build Hybrid Dolls.


Dollstudio Dollworks adapter system (as of 07/2017)
Dollstudio Dollworks adapter system (as of 07/2017)
Dollstudio Dollworks adapter system (as of 07/2017)
Dollstudio Dollworks adapter system (as of 07/2017)

DollWorx Adapter System - Handbook

Handbooks and Usage instructions on the DollWorx Adapter System.


Dollstudio DollWorks Adapter


DW is an abbreviation for german brand Dollstudio DollWorks.

The DollWorks adapter system has been extended. With the latest adapter updates, Doll Sweet, Orient Industry, Sanhui, JM Doll, WM Dolls, YL Doll, Oriental Rose, Hitdoll, Lifedoll, Silicone Art, and Z-Onedoll are supported.

The hybrid doll world becomes even bigger with this. The roughly calculated number of possible combinations is now around 27,216,000.

DollWorks introduced a new adapter system that allows to cross boundaries between manufacturers. These non-destructive adapters bridge between different types of neck connectors and hook up heads of manufacturer A with bodies of manufacturer B, and bodies of manufacturer C with heads of manufacturer D. Approximately 1,814,400 new dolls variations will be available very soon.

We believe that these adapters are the first step into a new era of hybrid dolls. Hybrid dolls will allow our customers a significantly broader range of choices. The unreal amount of 1,814,400 new combinations is calculated based on the 1st generation of adapters that is available right now. Depending on user feedback, we will extend the line of adapters, so this figure might increase even more rapidly in the near future.

Dollworks is the label for our own products. Also, Dollworks is a workshop label for our current projects.

Among our products are lifecasts of different body casts, including several torsos, legs and breasts, as well as some miniatures and one life-sized silicone doll.

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